Sunday, February 18, 2007

The politeness ... it burns ...

Youtube celebrity isn't easy to come by.

Anybody can set up a camera and film themself doing -- or discussing -- anything. Of the millions of the videos on the site, only a few draw wide attention, and those are usually about Anna Nicole Smith.

These guys deserve to be:

From what I can gather -- amid the odd facial expressions, friendly banter and utter dearth of charisma and humor -- "1-on-1" is two sports writers from Utah's Daily Herald going at it, "PTI style regarding high school athletics in Utah Valley."

I'm obsessed with it. It's perhaps the most inane thing I've ever seen, and I can't get enough.

1-on-1 has everything. Bad nicknames? Check -- they're "The Blade" and "The Zuke." Arguments that tend to take the form of deciding which team is "really good" and which is "really, really good"? Check. Extensive wardrobes? Check-and-a-half. Slightly different shirts ahoy!

Thrill as The Zuke sports a long-sleeve version of his grey polo:

Marvel at The Blade's best sweater, with bonus plaid (and a highlight!):

You can even play along, at I know I'll be trying. Go Provo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so totally watching that when I get home.